Species Tissue CellType Marker Resource Mouse Aorta Alpha-beta T cell Cd3e, Cd4, Cd8a 29545366, 31988506 Mouse Aorta Alternatively activated macrophage Clec10a 29545365 Mouse Aorta B cell Cd79a, Cd79b, Cd19, Ly6d, Mzb1, Ms4a1, Bank1, Cd3d, H2-DMb2, Ighd, Jchain, Ptprc 29545365, 29545366, 32166394, 34901214, 36035191, 34692110, 32917889, 32689904, 31146585 Mouse Aorta CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell Cd40lg, Cd69, Sh2d1a, Tcf7 32689904 Mouse Aorta CD8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic T cell Ifng, Klrd1, Nkg7, Pdcd1 32689904 Mouse Aorta CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell Cd8a, Cd8b1, Nkg7 29545365 Mouse Aorta Decidual cell Bmp2, Mki67, Prl8a2, Wnt4 29545366 Mouse Aorta Dendritic cell Flt3, Cd209a, Cacnb3, Cd74, H2-Eb1, Ptprc, Ccr7, Cd69, Clec10a, Clec9a, Fscn1, H2-Ab1, Itgax, Xcr1 29545365, 29545366, 36035191, 31988506, 32689904, 31146585 Mouse Aorta Endothelial cell Cdh5, Pecam1, Vwf, Cxcl2, Ehd3, Epcam, Esr1, Fabp4, Gpihbp1, Kdr, Krt19, Nrp1, Pgr, Retnlg, Tacstd2, Tek 30283141, 29545366, 32698686, 35463747, 35462240, 34458261, 32166394, 34901214, 36035191, 34692110, 31288631, 32689904, 35677564, 31146585 Mouse Aorta Endothelial cell of artery Col1a1, Klf4, Lamc3, Lcn2, Lum, Serpine1 32698686 Mouse Aorta Endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel Pecam1, Prox1, Lyve1 29545366, 34901214 Mouse Aorta Endothelial cell of vascular tree Pecam1, Sox17, Cav1, Cdh5, Fabp4 30283141, 29545366 Mouse Aorta Erythrocyte Alas2, Gypa, Hba-a1, Hba-a2, Hbb, Hbb-bt 32166394, 34692110, 31146585 Mouse Aorta Fibroblast Dcn, Col1a1, Pdgfra, Col1a2, Col3a1, Clec3b, Ddr2, Lum, Serpinf1, Aebp1, Bgn, Cd34, Ecrg4, Fn1, Gsn, Igfbp7, Lcn2, Meg3, Nbl1, Prg4, Spp1, Tcf21, Timp1, Timp2, Vim 30283141, 32698686, 33028096, 35463747, 35462240, 34901214, 36035191, 34692110, 31288631, 35677564, 31146585 Mouse Aorta Glandular epithelial cell Epcam, Foxa2, Krt19, Tacstd2 29545366 Mouse Aorta Granulocyte S100a9, Camp, Ngp, S100a8, Csf3r 29545365, 31988506 Mouse Aorta Hematopoietic stem cell Cd34 34901214 Mouse Aorta Homeostatic macrophage Cd163, Gas6, Lyve1, Pf4, Stab1 32917889 Mouse Aorta Inflammatory macrophage Cxcl2, Ifi211, Ifit1, Ifit2, Ifit3, Il1b, Irf7, Ly6c1, Nfkbiz, S100a8, S100a9 29545365, 32917889, 35534923 Mouse Aorta Macrophage Adgre1, Csf1r, Cd14, Cd68, Fcgr1, Lgals3, Ptprc, Spp1, Trem2, Arg1, Btg1, Ccl3, Ccl4, Cd52, cd68, Cd9, Cenpf, Chil3, Coro1a, Cxcl2, Ear2, Fcgr3, H2-Aa, H2-Ab1, H2-Eb1, Klf4, Ltb, Mafb, Nlrp3, Rac2, Retnla, Selplg, Stmn1, Tgfb1, Tlr2, Top2a, Ube2c 30283141, 29545365, 29545366, 32698686, 33028096, 35477277, 35462240, 32166394, 34901214, 32917889, 35534923, 31988506, 32689904, 35677564, 31146585, 17137566 Mouse Aorta Mast cell Cpa3, Tpsab1 29545365, 36035191 Mouse Aorta Mature NK T cell Ccl3, Ncam1 36035191 Mouse Aorta Memory T cell Cd3g, Il7r, Cxcr6, Icos, Il2ra, Ptprc 29545365, 31988506 Mouse Aorta Mesenchymal cell Dcn, Eng, Lum, Pdgfra 32166394 Mouse Aorta Mesenchymal stem cell Cd34, Dcn, Lum, Pdgfra 32689904 Mouse Aorta Mesothelial cell Lrrn4, Msln, Upk3b 34692110 Mouse Aorta Monocyte Ccr2, Csf1r, Ly6c2, Lyz2, Cd14, Fcgr3, Itgam, C1qa, C1qb, Cd68, Ctss, F10, Pf4, Retnla 29545365, 35462240, 32166394, 34901214, 35534923, 31988506, 32689904, 31146585 Mouse Aorta Monocyte-derived dendritic cell Cd209a, Cd74, Flt3, H2-Eb1 29545365 Mouse Aorta Myofibroblast cell Myh11, Tcf21 30283141 Mouse Aorta Naive T cell Ccr7, Sell 32689904 Mouse Aorta Natural killer cell Klrb1c, Ncr1, Klra8, Klrc1, Gzma, Ptprc, Fcer1g, Klra3, Nkg7 29545365, 29545366, 32166394, 32689904 Mouse Aorta Neuron Cnp, Gpm6b, Mbp, Prnp, Vwa1 35677564, 31146585 Mouse Aorta Neutrophil Csf3r, Ncf1, Camp, Ly6g, Ngp, S100a8, S100a9 29545365, 35477277, 36035191 Mouse Aorta Pericyte Cspg4, Pdgfrb, Rgs5 29545366, 34692110 Mouse Aorta Plasma cell Jchain, Sdc1 32689904 Mouse Aorta Plasmacytoid dendritic cell Pecam1 29545366 Mouse Aorta Progenitor cell Cd34, Ly6a 32166394 Mouse Aorta Regulatory T cell Ctla4, Foxp3, Ikzf2, Il2ra 32689904 Mouse Aorta Schwann cell Cnp, Plp1 34692110 Mouse Aorta Smooth muscle cell Acta2, Tagln, Cnn1, Myh11, Abcc9, Ccdc80, Colec11, Gucy1a1, Kcnj8, Ndrg2, Nppa, Or51e1, Rgs5, Sod3, Tcf21 30283141, 29545366, 32698686, 32166394, 34901214, 36035191, 31288631, 34411694, 35677564 Mouse Aorta Stem cell Bst1, Cd34, Cd44, Cspg4, Emcn, Eng, Gli1, Kdr, Kit, Ly6a, Mcam, Nefm, Nt5e, Pdgfra, Pdgfrb, Procr, Prom1, Ptprc, S100b, Sox17, Thy1 32166394 Mouse Aorta Stromal cell Hoxa11, Col1a1, Col1a2, Hand2, Mki67 29545366, 34901214 Mouse Aorta T cell Cd3d, Cd3e, Cd3g, Cd8a, Cd19, Cd4, Cd8b1, Gata3, Pecam1, Rora 29545366, 29545365, 32166394, 34901214, 32689904, 35677564, 31146585 Mouse Aorta T-helper 17 cell Il17a, Ltb4r1, Rora, Rorc, Tnf 32689904 Mouse Aorta Tissue-resident macrophage F13a1, Gas6, Lyve1, Adgre1, Cd68, Csf1r, Fcgr1, Folr2, Pf4 29545365, 35477277 Mouse Aorta Trophoblast cell Dlx3, Plac1 29545366 Mouse Aorta Trophoblast giant cell Plac1, Prl3d1 29545366 Mouse Aorta Vascular associated smooth muscle cell Myh11, Acta2, Cnn1, Myl9, Tagln, Tpm2, Ccl21a, Cytl1, Fabp4, Gpihbp1, Pecam1, Smtn 35463747, 35462240, 34692110, 31146585